country webdesign
country webdesign

bushroots webdesign






These works have been done for my own enjoyment. I hope to eventually get motivated enough to 'get down to it' and do more creative work with the traditional methods as this is really what I am interested in most. I have presented here a few things done from the past, most of them are quick sketches done over the years and a few various 'bits and pieces'.
These works are from my days at Randwick Design college in Sydney. There was a lot more emphasis on traditional methods back then (which wasn't all that long ago) due to the fact that computers where only beginning to come on to the seen. In the absence of today's technology most of the mockups had to be done by hand which was very time consuming and restrictive compared to what can be achieved on a computer these days.
Life Drawing A collection of drawings done in various life drawing classes I have attended.
Favourites The ones I like!
This page is currently under construction.
Taking up most of my creative time these days is Computer Graphic Design. After 10 years of design It is nearly impossible to keep a copy of everything to show, but I have included here a start to the list of things I have been doing in that time.